Rohr Aircraft Memories
a website for Rohr Retirees and Former Employees
home | Arkadelphia | Arlington | Auburn | Boston | Brown Field | Cape May | Casa Grande | Cerritos | Chula Vista | Clark | Daytona
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AeROHRcrafter | Dialogue | Rohr Magazine | Rohr News | Skylines | Talking Points | Weekly News News Clippings
Welcome to the “Rohr Aircraft Memories” website. This website project was created in the spring of 2006. The purpose of this website is to collect memories – stories, photographs, and history – from those that worked at Rohr Aircraft/Rohr Industries, Inc. in Riverside, California, but it quickly expanded to include all Rohr plants. The website came about from an interest in reconnecting former Rohr employees with each other. The resulting collection of interviews and information are reflections of those that lived and worked at Rohr.
Fred H. Rohr founded the company in 1940 on an idea that aircraft industry needed a feeder plant that furnished parts and assemblies which required specialized skills, equipment and facilities. The first products that Rohr Aircraft manufactured were cowl panels for Lockheed’s Hudson bomber (“Out of the Celery Fields: A New Concept Creates an Industry.” 1960).
Shortly thereafter began the production of power packages for the B-24 of World War II establishing Rohr’s reputation for power packages. This was the first time these units ever had been sub-contracted. With the outbreak of war, demand for the bombers increased and by V-J Day the Company had produced 38,000 units (“18 – and Still Growing: New Orders and Expanded Facilities Send Year’s Sales to Record Total.” 1958; “Out of the Celery Fields: A New Concept Creates an Industry.” 1960).
Rohr, Inc. was acquired by The BF Goodrich Company in December of 1997. Goodrich merged with UTC, finally becoming Collins Aerospace.
Please send your photographs and stories to us at We would love to include them on the website. Please include any information about the people in the photograph, including the year take, names, and Rohr plant/facility.
Do you have any old issues of Rohr News, Rohr Magazine or The AeROHRcrafter that you would like to unload? Or any other Rohr publications? We would love to take them off of your hands!
For more information on Rohr Riverside retiree luncheons, please email us at
Thanks for visiting!
Opinions expressed on these pages are not necessarily those of the site owner.
All content is ©2006-2024 Rohr Aircraft Memories unless otherwise credited or a vintage reprint.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of material is prohibited.
Contact Sue with questions or comments. Website address:
Last updated: 07-19-2024
